Things That Arise in Meditation Practice
When we first start a practice of meditation, we can often feel an enthusiasm or excitement. This can be likened to that of a new hobby that we throw ourselves into headlong or the freshness of a new relationship with all its desires and expectations. My teacher Baba...
Featured on The Discomfort Zone Podcast
Vishnu Dass, an experienced Ayurvedic doctor, teacher, and author, joins this insightful podcast conversation to explore the power of self-awareness, Ayurveda’s role in healing, and the wisdom of embracing discomfort for personal growth. Tune in to hear his deep...
A Local “Village Style” Clinic Experience – Ayurveda & Pachakarma in Asheville NC
Blue Lotus Ayurveda, out of Asheville, NC, is a locally owned and operated Ayurveda and Panchakarma clinic, which has served our local community since 2001. We strive to provide a "village style clinic" model. Vishnu Dass first broke the ground for Ayurveda here in...
How our Traditional Ayurvedic Massage Oils are Made
In Ayurveda, there are a wide variety of herbal medicated massage oils known as siddha thailams. The process for making these specialized oils is quite lengthy and can take many hours to several days, depending on the specific recipe used. The classical Ayurvedic...
My Ayurvedic Medicine Path Comes Full Circle
In 1992, I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet two primary teachers, who greatly influenced the trajectory of my life. I was an eager twenty-two-year-old searching for deeper meaning and purpose, fueled by spiritual books such as the teachings of Ramana...
Guildlines and Preparations for Panchakarma
Your Panchakarma fee also includes a preparatory consultation. Below is a brief overview of the 3 phases of Panchakarma and how to properly prepare for your treatments. The process outlined below will tailored to your individualized needs during your preparatory...
Ayurvedic Approaches to Type 2 Diabetes
Both Ayurveda and modern medicine agree that type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is a multifaceted disease that affects many organs, tissues, and channels of the body including the cardiovascular, urinary, nervous and immune systems. In Sanskrit, diabetes is called...
Hemorrhoid Treatment in Ayurveda
Hemorrhoid Treatment in Ayurveda Hemorrhoids are essentially varicose veins of the rectum and anus. People between 45-60+ years of age have shown to be more likely to develop them, although they can occur much earlier in life. Internal hemorrhoids are typically not...
The Three Doshas are Not “Types”
I often get quizzical looks when I start an introductory lecture on Ayurveda with the comment that "the three doshas are not body types." Vata, Pitta and Kapha are certainly foundational to every aspect of Ayurvedic theory and practice and understanding them starts...
Treating Eczema with Ayurveda
Eczema, Contact Dermatitis, Atopic Dermatitis, or Psoriasis? Skin conditions are often affected by the seasons and can become increasingly worse at different times depending upon the individuals constitutional trends and the qualities of condition itself. Eczema is a...
Pain Relief with Nadi Swedana (medicated localized steam therapy)
Musculoskeletal Pain and Inflammation One of the most common ailments people suffer from is musculoskeletal pain. Aside from specific or repetitive use injuries, pain can also may be due to the increased sedentary life of our modern world, which often entails spending...
An Ayurvedic Perspective on GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
An Ayurvedic Perspective on GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) GERD occurs when digestive juices moves upward from the stomach into the esophagus causing acid reflux, which over time can damage the lower esophageal lining and an increase the risk of...